
DANSOG GROUP INCORPORATED is a recently established Nigeria-based firm with a registration number of _______ form the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) under the Company and Allied Matters Act 1990 of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Dansog group Inc was founded to offer a spectrum of services to the various economic classes of people in society. From the young school leaver to the big financial investor. Our clients include people from all walks of life who are seeking ways to improve their standard of living.


Bring your dreams to life. Be that car owner that you’ve always wanted to be. Get quality checked cars
to run the cab transport business like Taxify and Uber with Dansog’s car hire purchase service. Get the
best return on your investment.

Have you wanted to go into the personal car transport business (Uber, Taxify(Bolt) etc) but you don’t
have a car, or the type of car required? Or do you have one of such required cars at your disposal but
are too busy to manage it, YET you want returns from it instead of it sitting there without use? Then,
welcome to the Dansog car hire purchase service! Your very desire is why we are here. With a bare
minimum you can be on your way to being a car owner in no time. Click here to learn more.


Be a certified land owner in choice locations at subsidized amounts. Ever entertained the idea of being a
landowner but haven’t been able to put together the required sum that would enable you to fulfill this
dream of yours? Get access to choice lands in developed locations with Dansog. Our real estate team
scouts for quality real estate properties in quality locations and makes them available at an affordable
sum. Don’t have the full amount on hand? Dansog has this covered. Make a down payment for the
property of your choice and claim your property upon the final payment for your asset.


Are you finding it difficult getting into the universities of your choice in Nigeria? Want to by-pass all that
stress and recurring disappointments? Have you ever entertained the thought of studying in neighboring
countries like Benin Republic and Togo but are unsure of where to start? Let Dansog’s highly proficient
academic team walk you through the process of securing admissions into choice universities in the
neighboring countries. We have successfully helped 500+ fresh school leavers seeking such admissions
get a spot. One profound perk is that you don’t get to write JAMB anymore! Are you a fresh schoolleaver or you have graduated high school for the last couple of years, but no admission yet? Let us cut
short your wait or prevent it before it has even started. Click here to learn more.


The agricultural arm of Dansog provides everyone who is interested in exploring the diversification of
opportunities found in the agricultural sector a chance to do so by investing and partnering with
established and verified agribusinesses for a quarterly return on their investments. Interested
individuals make a one time investment and become stakeholders in the venture and get a continual
return on their investments quarterly. Looking to purchase choice land to pursue one of your
agricultural passions? Dansog provides adequately surveyed and researched land for your use.


Get into import and export without all the hassles of held up goods or run-ins with fraudulent agents.
Experience a stress-less process of exporting and importing goods from top manufacturing countries like
the United States and China, at ridiculously cheap rates and make tons of profits in an exclusively guided
process by Dansog imports and exports. Your export process is made relatively easy with verified
logistics across international borders and reliable agents in different continents like Europe, North
America and Asia. Ready to get started on this process,